
CoolSculpting – 2 Treatments

30 year old Female Post 2 sessions 2treatments/Cycle to abdomen and flanks Weight loss 2.2lbs

CoolSculpting Case #74173

CoolSculpting Flanks Case #74173 14 weeks post 2 cycles

CoolSculpting – Case 2407

Case #2407 41 year old Female 8 weeks post CS lower abdomen and Bilateral flanks

CoolSculpting Case #29953

Case #29953 16 weeks post submental CS

CoolSculpting Case #47702

17 weeks post CS Lower Flanks, 53 yrs, -8lbs

CoolSculpting Case #04133

18 weeks post CS of Abdomen 28 years old -2 lbs

CoolSculpting Case #625833

16 weeks post CS of upper and lower abdomen Age 68 -5 lbs.

CoolSculpting Case #32513

17 weeks post treatment of one submental (chin) cycle (center) Weight change:+1.6 lbs Age 21

CoolSculpting Case #21903

16 weeks post treatment of CoolAdvantage+ Abdomen lft & rght, and CoolAdvantage to Lwr Posterior Flanks Weight change +1.2lbs Age 39 years

Coolsculpting of Abdomen – Case 93119

Procedure: Coolsculpting of Upper and Lower Abdomen, Flanks and Waist Line Post Treatment: 23 weeks Weight Change: – 3 lbs