Pt#0025 47 year old female 5 Months Post Op Bilateral Mastopexy augmentation with silicone implants Left:265cc Right:265cc
Pt#17044 39 year old female 2 Months Post Op Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants and Right Circumvertical Mastopexy Left:375cc Right:360cc
Pt#98563 48 year old female 2 years Post Op Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Silicone implants Left: 275cc Right: 275cc
Pt#49834 57 Year old Female 3 Months Post Op Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Silicone implants Left:275cc Right:300cc
Pt#49124 48 year old female 3 Months Post Op Abdominoplasty with Vertical and Transverse Dermolipectomy and Liposuction of Bilateral flanks
Pt#17072 42 Year Old Female 2 Months Post Op Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Bilateral flanks
Pt#17072 42 Year Old Female 2 Months Post Op Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Right Circumvertical Mastopexy Left:320cc Right:290cc